I want to tell you somethingJesus Christ on the cross that you need to know, It happened two thousand years ago, There was a man in the middle that died you see, and he did it so the entire world could be free, He suffered very much for me and you, He said, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do”.

He raised his head to say a solemn prayer, and the whole world stopped right then and there, The planet grew dark from twelve to three, He was the perfect sacrifice, you see, All the angels in heaven couldn’t understand, what made God do what he did for man,

He expressed His love for you and me, when He led us by the hand to Mt. Calvary, which is harder to say ….. I can’t, or I can ..? Make up your mind .., you double minded man, what need to be done, you couldn’t buy it with wealth, so God came down and did it himself, He clothed Himself with humanity, and took on the world, singlehandedly.

Father God had a brand new plan, and made it true through a brand new man. satan shrieked, “it’s a mysterious plot”, but what God started, no one could stop, He promised that He would bring us through, and by His own word ….. He did it too, He shed His blood to make us free, to be with Him for all eternity.

What was a mystery had now been revealed. We had come to the place in God’s plan where He could step into the void of His creation and fill it with His own glory. This not only filled a void in natural space and time, but expanded our mental and emotional capacity to have a relationship with Him. For the first time since the great fall in the garden, we were called into a relationship with our creator.

Against amazing odds from every side Jesus prevailed. He prevailed against the Pharisees, Sadducees and, Scribes. He prevailed against the mighty Roman army and, He prevailed against the Greek philosophers. He prevailed with a simple message: “I love you, and am willing to give my life for you.”

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