All posts by Nathaniel Stalling Jr.

About Nathaniel Stalling Jr.

I am founder and pastor of Burning Bush Temple of Christ. I have been preaching and teaching the word of God since 1986. I also have a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit named: Burning Bush Community Enrichment Services. I worked for Chrysler (FCA, LLC) for 23 years. I am married to a wonderful woman, Teresa, and together we are invested in helping people and communities.

Mobs or Jobs?

The 2018 U.S congressional elections is one for the history books.  The campaigning leading up to the November 6 elections has all the markings of a breakout election for being the first in the number of female candidates running for office and, of the number of new people registering to vote.  A record number of early votes have already been cast.

The candidates have been jostling for position on hot button issues such as health care, immigration, the economy, etc., but, what make this election cycle different than any in my lifetime is the vitriolic politcal atmosphere.  The respect and civility that was once very much a part of our democratic process is all but gone.

The pride of America, our values and moral leadership, was held in high esteem around the world.  We were the shining light on a hill, to quote a not too distant republican president.  Now that shining light is biginning to dim.  We are living in a time in America when the very core of who we are, as Americans, are being challenged; not by foreign adversaries, but by other Americans.

It saddened me recently to learn that someone sent home made bombs by mail to, what could only be surmised as, their political enemies.  Let that sink in for a minute.  At least a dozen suspicious packages were sent to eight democrats, to CNN, actor Robert De Niro, former CIA Director John Brennan and, billionair financier George Soros.  How twisted is that?  When you send potential death to those you politically disagree with there is something seriously wrong.  Why would someone believe this is ok?

It’s time, and indeed past time, for the President of the United States of America to stand up and address the nation condemning this demented mentality that is festering in this polluted political climate before it is too late.

Mr. President, this is the right time to do the right thing.

Champion of My Success


The streets were teaming with people; traffic was heavy, and the smoke stacks had began to spew their thick clouds of chemicals into the atmosphere. The ‘Big City’ was awakening from its midnight slumber. This would be the beginning of my days for the next fifteen (15) years.

I worked for a small auto supplier as a screw machine operator. It was a demanding job, but it kept food on the table, paid the bills and, support my wife and three (3) kids.

At this time in America, post 9/11, with the war going on in Iraq, hurricane Katrina and Rita, the sub prime mortgage debacle and, the coal mine disasters, I figure we are blessed.

Things could be worse, like the Andersons down the street, their house is in foreclosure; or the Bowens over on Prairie Ave., they lost their car, and their utilities are shut-off. There is pain and suffering all around us. That’s why I decided to go back to school. My job might not have the best benefit package, like the ‘Big Three’, but it will pay for me to get a four year degree from the college of my choice.

I haven’t been in a school for twenty five years; I’m computer illiterate; I just got a cell phone two years ago. Who am I fooling? It’s too late for me. The young kids today are leaps and bounds, technologically, ahead of me. But our society is changing so much; I really don’t have much of a choice. I can either stay where I am, and that’s not a good choice because of how rapidly the auto industry is changing, or I can invest in myself and become more competitive in the marketplace. I chose the latter.

The first day of school went ok, I got a few looks, but that’s alright I expected as much. After all, a man my age can’t expect to just blend in.

I decided to take up computer programming, Industrial and commercial, just in case I decided to leave the auto industry for what may prove to be a more promising future. My wife was initially reluctant to support the idea of me working ten (10) and twelve (12) hour days, 6 days a week, and cramming school in 3 mornings a week for the next 24 weeks. I must admit, the wisdom of her reluctance began to sink in after the third week.

I was exhausted. Too much work, not enough sleep; my eating habits took a big hit, I was losing weight rapidly. There is no way I can keep this pace for too much longer, something has to change, and soon.

I began taking drugs to stay awake, drugs to go to sleep, drugs to have sex and, of course I thought I could hide all of this from everybody.

As life would have it, unforeseen circumstances would come to bear on my young, simple life. The only thing that dropped lower than my weight was my spirit, my self worth and, my expectations. The drugs and pleasure seeking rendezvous was beginning to take a heavy toll on my life.

School was beginning to look less and less attractive as my drug addiction grew more expensive. Something had to go!

-To Be Continued-

America is Due for A Shakeup!

Could it be, as some suggest, we have too many immigrants?  Could it be the gays and LGBTQ communities are exerting too much influence?  Could it be that we’re buckling under the weight of our own successes?  Have we allowed our elected officials to forego their moral obligations?  These are questions that we are currently grappling with.

When duty makes that inevitable call; who will answer?  Well, less than a generation after world war II ended, America made such a call.  We were struggling on two fronts; war in Vietnam and, the ill effects of slavery and unjust laws toward the most vulnerable in our society.  Thus, the ‘Civil Rights Movement’ made its big push toward justice.  As with most movements it began slow and steady with a consistent call for people to make their voices heard.  After a short while our young people said, “Enough”! “No More”!  They had seen, heard and, experienced enough.  They were ready and willing to answer the call.

Victor Hugo, a French poet, novelist and, dramatist once said, “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come”.

Our young citizens were involved in the civil rights movements most memorable moments.  These teenagers and young adults helped desegregate schools in the south, challenged racism during ‘Freedom Rides’, and helped advance voter rights and civil rights legislation.

Among the most influential of the student organizers was the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), a group that embraced non-violent protest and helped train many of the movements participants.  Fueled by young people’s rejection of white supremacy, SNCC was once the nation’s largest and most well-organized civil rights group.

Once again, over fifty years later, America makes that call once more.  A new vanguard of teens and young adults are answering that call.  They are taking their positions, manning their stations and, readying their instruments of war; non-violent protests, social media and, mass marches.

March for Our Lives, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo and, other homegrown movements are presently formulating a way forward in addressing mass shootings in schools, disproportionate police shootings among people of color, unreasonable immigration laws, abuse and exploitation of women, etc., Remember the saying, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”.

When Prejudice Touched the House of Moses

When Moses appeared in the camp of Israel with Zipporah his wife and their two sons, there was great consternation among both leaders and people, for Zipporah, described in the Bible as an Ethiopian, was a darker complexion than the Israelites. Hence, there was a minor racial incident when the family came upon the scene. The marriage of Moses had been especially displeasing to Miriam, his sister, because she felt he should have chosen a wife from among the Hebrews and not marry a woman of another nation.

The King James Version of the Bible refers to her as ” an Ethiopian woman,” and the Revised Version calls her a ” Cushite woman.” It is important to say, however, that though Zipporah was not an Israelite, she was a worshiper of the true God.

The whispering campaign became so widespread that Miriam and Aaron were summoned to the Tabernacle, and had a face to face meet with Moses. The bible says, ” Jehovah came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam.” The scene was tense as God proceeded to rebuke these two who had spoken evil of His servant, him whom He had declared “faithful in all Mine house.” “Wherefore then,” God said, “were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and He departed.”

The cloud which usually hovered over the tabernacle disappeared and this sign of Gods’ displeasure was followed by a severe punishment inflicted upon Miriam. She “became leprous, white as snow.”

For those who say that discrimination and ill-treatment of people on the basis of race or color is no sin, here is a sobering passage. The act of Miriam was so repulsive to God that He came all the way from heaven to administer rebuke and punishment for her iniquity. Miriam, no doubt, felt she was exercising her freedom when she criticized Zipporah and sought to engender sentiment against her.

Although people still make thousands of speeches about freedom, there is still evidence of a good deal of misunderstanding about the real nature of freedom.

The Most Misunderstood Apostle

The synoptic gospels tell us how Jesus called his disciples to him and chose from among them twelve (12) who he designated ‘Apostles’ : (1) Simon, who he named Peter (2) Andrew, who is Peters’ brother, (3) James and (4) John (5) Phillip (6) Bartholomew (7) Matthew (8) Thomas (9) James, son of Alphaeus (10) Simon the Zealot (11) Judas, son of James (12) Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor. Luke 6:14-16

Most of the apostles, except for Peter, James, John, Thomas and Judas are left shrouded in a fair amount of historical obscurity. For the most part the Church has colored the apostles in a very positive light, all except one; the one we traditionally call ‘ Doubting Thomas’.

Thomas is the Hebrew word for ‘Twin’, while ‘Didymus’ is the Greek word for twin.

After leaving Jerusalem rather hurriedly, Jesus went back to the place where John had baptized. While at this place He received word from Mary and Martha that their brother, Lazarus, had died. Lazarus was from Bethany, a town about two (2) miles Southeast of Jerusalem. This was the vicinity where the Jews tried to stone Jesus to death. No wonder the disciples were very concerned with their safety when Jesus said, “let us go back to Judea”. It is here that Thomas first shows his true colors, and breaks through a barrage of mental complacency and courageously steps out on pure devotion, when he said, “Let us also go, that we may die with him”. Thomas was obviously the first of the twelve to express a commitment to Christ even if it meant death.

Again, Jesus comforts his disciples telling them that he is going away to prepare a place for them so they can always be with him. Then he said something that I think was designed to evoke a specific reaction. He said, ” You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:4 Thomas, again, is the only one who rose to the occasion and articulated the pure honesty that was in his heart. Thomas said, ” Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” John 14:5 Had Thomas not voiced his concern there would have been no reason for Jesus to respond in such an inspiring and eye-opening way. Jesus responded in such a way that it became one of the most memorized parts of scripture to date : ” I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” Thomas doubted no more than any of the other apostles.